الاثنين، 23 أبريل 2012

waste water of the nile by water hyacinth

Definition of water hyacinth:
        Is the herb of the Nile, known as water hyacinth, a plant of water   
   seasons of growing and floats in fresh water, one of the grass
          prevailing in the River Nile, especially in Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Benin, 
       Sudan and spread also in the United States of America and the island of Java and Australia has revealed.
Log hyacinth Egypt:
Hyacinth entered Egypt in the reign of Khedive Tawfiq to decorate the ponds and the leakage of his palaces to the River Nile, which led to its spread everywhere in Egypt.

Why the fear of water hyacinth:
A risk and response to Neil or problems caused by the water hyacinth and the problem of this plant to plant one o'clock produced in one month 48 thousand plant, similar to a cancer lead to the evaporation of vast amounts of water capacity studies in modern Egypt with 3 billion cubic meters of water is enough to plant 100 acres new It also fills the banks completely and hinder navigation and irrigation, and hosts many of the snails especially bilharzia snails, reptiles, snakes and leads to lack of oxygen dissolved in the water, threatening the lives of fish and aquatic organisms.

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